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The Commonwealth Government program allows eligible students to access loans for courses that:

  • Have a high national priority

  • Meet industry needs

  • Contribute to addressing skills shortages

  • Lead to employment outcomes

The program also features loan caps for course loans. This means if the course fees are above the loan cap, the student will need to pay the difference. Skills Training Australia is approved to offer VET Student Loans for specific diploma and advanced diploma qualifications.

2024 Commencement Dates, Census Dates, and Completion Dates for each term:

The census date is when all student enrolments are finalised for the term.



If a student chooses to withdraw after the specified census date of the term, they must pay the fees for that term. Students who have applied VET Student Loan will incur a debt for the term after the census date.

How Does VET Student Loans Work?


VET Student Loans allows eligible students to access a loan to pay part or all tuition fees for approved courses.

Students can either:


  • Access the loan to pay all tuition fees (up to the loan cap limit)

  • Access the loan to pay part of the tuition fees and pay the remaining balance


The loan is repaid through the Australian tax system. When students reach the minimum income threshold for repayment. There is a loan fee of 20% for full fee-paying students.


Loan Fee Exemption


On 12 April 2020 the Australian Government announced a six-month exemption of the 20 per cent loan fee for full fee paying VET Student Loan students. This exemption applies for VET Student Loan amounts incurred on census days between 1 April 2020 to 30 September 2020. Students will not need to do anything for the exemption to be applied. VET Student Loan debt records with the Australian Taxation Office will also reflect the loan fee exemption as the system changes are implemented, subject to legislative amendments.

Student Resources

Contact Details

Phone: +61 3 8610 4100


Level 7,

628 Bourke Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

Copyright © 2021 Skills Training Australia. All rights reserved.

Skills Training Australia (TOID 20828 CRICOS Provider No 03521F) is a nationally recognised Registered Training Organisation (RTO). Transformations - Pathways To Competence and Developing Excellence Pty Ltd trading as Skills Training Australia

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